God’s Treasure

If you find yourself in the same trap, rest in His word with me, “I have called you by name; you are mine.”

Have you noticed the way sunlight dances on water? It makes me think of diamonds and their value to our world. Diamonds are the birthstone for those born in April. They dazzle the crowns of royalty and are generally a part of a woman’s wedding ring. A grading criterion,  based on cut, clarity, color, and carat weight – the 4 C’s – determines the value of each diamond. They, indeed, are precious stones. 

The New Oxford Dictionary defines precious (adj.) as an object, substance, or resource of great value, not to be wasted or treated carelessly. As a noun, precious is a term of address for a beloved person. I began to wonder who and what God finds precious. First, He sees all of creation as precious – He made it! Therefore all that he has created should not be wasted or treated carelessly. Who does God call beloved? Me. You. All of humanity is precious to God. He finds us so lovely that he has his own C’s for us! 

Created. In Genesis 1:27, we read, “God created mankind in his image.” Later, in verse 31, “God looked at everything he had made and found it very good.” Thus, we are good! And yet, there is more! In 1 John 4:8, we find, “…God is love.” Since God IS love, all He does is out of love. Therefore, regardless of the circumstances of our conception, childhood, or adulthood, we are good, and we are loved. However, our life experiences can leave us wounded – feeling unloveable or unworthy. The Lord boldly states our worth in John 3:16, and by placing my name in this scripture passage, He heals my wounds. “For God so loved Linda that he gave his only Son, so that she, who believes in him, might not perish but might have eternal life.” Take a few moments, close your eyes, replace my name with yours, and let the Lord speak His truth and love to your heart. We are beloved, thus precious.

Chosen. “But now, thus says the LORD, who created you…I have called you by name: you are mine.” (Isaiah 31: 1-3). God not only creates us, but He chooses us! Though Israel was a tiny nation, God chose them and entered a covenant with them. When God sent his only Son, he chose all of us to be His – a new covenant. Through baptism, God claims us – we become His adopted sons and daughters. Our Heavenly Father says, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well please” (Matthew 3:17) over us, just as He did on the day of Christ’s baptism. Honestly, I struggle with this truth. Often, I fall into the trap of thinking I need to earn my place in God’s family as a beloved daughter by doing and being perfect—a fear I am not enough to belong to the Lord. If you find yourself in the same trap, rest in His word with me, “I have called you by name; you are mine.” We are His beloved sons and daughters, His precious.

Called. Those that God chooses, He also calls. Jesus calls his beloved, his precious ones, to be near Him. Our calling is to walk with Him through life and conform our hearts, minds, and lives to His – to be Christ-like. Sometimes He calls, and it is easy to say, “Yes, Lord!” We quickly drop our nets like Peter, Andrew, James, and John (Matthew 4:18-22). We willingly leave behind that sin, a job, or a habit that gets in the way of living abundantly. However, sometimes those sacrifices He asks us to make may seem too much. Like the rich young man (Mark 10:17-31), we cannot give what he asks and walk away. However, the nets Jesus asks us to drop will allow us to love God, ourselves, and others more freely. In my life, the Lord has asked me to put some healthy boundaries in place with those “nets” I like to use to distract myself: tv, social media, alcohol, food, etc. By saying “no” to these hindrances, I can be more present and loving to Him, myself, and those who are precious to me. He is calling. Are you ready to drop your nets and follow Him?

Commissioned. Before Jesus’ ascension into Heaven, He commissioned the disciples. He charged them with carrying out His mission: proclaim the Good News, baptize all the nations, teach them all He commanded, drive out demons, forgive their sins, and heal the sick (Mark 16:15-18, Matthew 28:19, and John 20:23). Jesus did not leave them to accomplish this on their own, He provided the power of the Holy Spirit and promised to be with them. We, too, are His disciples; therefore, Christ sends us to bring His message of truth and love to others. To remind them they are precious. Who needs to receive His Good News? We need not look far outside our family or friend circle to see who needs the love of Jesus. Pause right now; who is the first person that comes to mind that could use Jesus’ healing love and mercy? 

In my personal experiences sharing the love of Christ with others is a joy but somewhat intimidating. It requires a lot of vulnerability, so it is crucial to remember we are the sons and daughters of the Eternal King entrusted with His mission. Also, like His first disciples, Jesus is with us, and the Holy Spirit has gifted us! What are your unique gifts that are to be used to share Christ with others? Maybe you love hosting others in your home, you are quick to share an encouraging word, or you love to care for the homeless – whatever your gifts, you are not to waste or treat them carelessly – they are precious!

In response to God’s C’s for us, He asks for three in return.


Remember who you are!

Claim your identity as God’s created and beloved sons and daughters.


Strive to be Christ-like.

Answer His call, drop your nets, and choose to follow Him.


Go on His mission!

Commit to using your gifts and talents to bring Christ’s healing love to others.

You are God’s pearl (diamond) of great price, His treasure in the field (Matthew 18:10-14). You are created, chosen, called, and commissioned by God. You are precious.