Running with the Rosary IV – Finding Answers

You are my beloved daughter.

Today is the final installment of this blog series on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, but I hope it is another step in your continued journey with Jesus. 

The Luminous Mysteries are my favorite. These are the events of the public ministry of Jesus. They begin with His baptism and pick up at the wedding at Cana. They then continue with the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, His Transfiguration, and the Institution of the Eucharist. Why are these mysteries my favorite? Because they tell me who I am, how to live as a Christian, my mission as a baptized Catholic, and they remind me of who God is.

The baptism of Jesus, according to the gospel of Mark (1:10-11), tells that the heavens open up, and the Spirit descends like a dove onto Jesus. God, the Father, proclaims, “You are my beloved Son; with you, I am well pleased.” By nature of my baptism, I am an adopted daughter of God. He chooses me. Thus He says the same words to me, “This is my beloved daughter, with whom I am well pleased.” He gives me my identity as chosen, beloved, and precious. Sometimes in the day-to-day struggles, I can lose sight of this identity and get caught up in statements of scarcity (a.k.a. lies) that sound a lot like, “I’m not a good enough mom/wife/friend/etc.” What falsehoods can God speak His truth into for you? How can He help you remember who you are to Him?

When these lies settle in to my heart and steal my identity, He speaks the truth of abundance that He is the God that provides in every situation. I often try to set human limitations on God and His ability to provide for me. The wedding at Cana encounters a problem of scarcity – they have run out of wine. Jesus, at the request of His mother, changes six jars of water -filled to the brim – with the best wine known to the region. A friend challenged me to list how God fills my six jars. My six jars are filled with my family, my friends, the women of my faith group, the natural beauty of the world, and my relationship with Jesus. I only need to take the time to notice these gifts to see the depths of God’s love for me and to live in abundance. What fills your jars? Go ahead, make your list. Now for the challenge, are you spending your time, the best parts of you, with those jar-fillers?

The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God has been the hardest mystery for me to unravel. It seems to encompass all of Jesus’ ministry and teaching, thus not just a single event on which to focus. Over time, it has settled on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, to live as a Christian. My mission! The Sermon on the Mount, the focus of chapters 5-7 in Matthew’s Gospel, provides an immense amount of inspiration for Christian living. Jesus challenges us with The Beatitudes, He instructs us how to pray and gives us The Our Father, and He teaches us how to treat others through the Golden Rule. Each of these asks us to give of ourselves. To show mercy, be patient, and share our love. To generously give of our time, talent, and treasure. To walk humbly with Him and those He places in our lives. Are you ready to accept your calling as a disciple of Jesus? 

At the transfiguration, Jesus reveals His glory. I try to imagine how beautiful He appeared and the warmth of His radiance on my face. The moment in which I catch an earthly glimpse of this experience is when the sun rises and shines on my face. It is then that I remember I am His and that He is God. When we can live clear in our identity, from a place of abundance, and know our mission in life, we will be changed! It affects the decisions we make, our responses to adversity, and our ability to see good in all of God’s creation. We can reflect His light, love, and mercy to the world. In short, we reflect His glory! Are you ready to be transformed? What do you need to allow Jesus to change in you so you can glorify Him?

The Eucharist is how I stay connected to Christ, an opportunity to remind myself of the depths of His love for me. There is no substitute for this intimate union with Jesus during the celebration of the Mass. The reception of His body, blood, soul, and divinity. He knew we would need Him. Therefore, Jesus continues to humble Himself so He can walk with us. Every day, in every church, He is waiting for us to come to Him. Although Sunday Mass attendance is an “obligation” for Catholics, I have realized it is a gift to spend time with the one who loves me. There is no obligation necessary when love drives us to be together. This week when you go to Mass, receive His love and give Him your heart.

As the Father loves me,

so I also love you.

Remain in my love.

John 15:9

After running a few hundred miles, praying more than a hundred rosaries, and writing more than a thousand words; the words that speak to my soul, “You are my beloved daughter.” I only need to live these five words, and the rest will fall into place. 

You do not need to join me running, but will you allow Mary to show you how her Son loves you? Or will Jesus use this as an opportunity to introduce you to His mom? Either way, there is so much to be gained in meditating on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. I will be praying for you!

Running with the Rosary III – Gaining Perspective

In every instance, He kept His word.

Love and joy are two beautiful gifts that we not only receive, but can freely give to those we encounter each day. Have you been able to receive and give love and joy? Perhaps a little perspective will help us offer and accept these gifts more readily.

The Glorious Mysteries give us reason to celebrate! The resurrection of Jesus, His ascension into Heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit, the assumption of Mary into Heaven, and the crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven are some pretty spectacular moments in our Catholic faith. These mysteries give me a sense of excitement and perspective. Prayed on Wednesday and Sunday, these events help us remember that the crucifixion isn’t the end of the story.

The resurrection of Jesus is the epitome of gaining the perspective. We can all get lost in the darkness and sadness of our lives. Health concerns, kids in trouble, work challenges; it can feel all-consuming. Even the apostles, who despite, the time they spent with Jesus, doubted His promise to rise again. They got lost in the sadness of His death. Yet, in the quiet of that Sunday morning, He makes good on His promise. He left behind sin and death to breathe life into the world. His resurrection reminds us that the difficult times in our lives are temporary. That goodness and glory await us on the other side of the sadness. His resurrection turns darkness into light and sorrow into joy. As you meditate on this mystery, consider how Jesus and Mary can help you to change your despair into hope.

Upon His ascension into Heaven, Jesus is making good on the promise to prepare a dwelling place for us in His Father’s house. (see John 14: 2-3). Our eternal reward is in Heaven, so we need to ask some questions to keep our lives in perspective. What matters in Heaven? Am I living in such a way that emphasizes what is important in Heaven? Am I giving to those in need or earning more for myself? Do I love all those who Jesus puts in my life? Or am I stepping over them to have the “right” friends? Finally, am I praying in praise and thanksgiving for all I have, or do I take the gifts for granted and think I deserve them? Our lives on Earth are quite finite; our afterlife is an eternity. Do you want to spend your time on this Earth seeking its passing treasures or collecting treasure in Heaven?

As promised, Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit! Our advocate and guide. In Galatians 5:22, St. Paul tells us the fruits of the Holy Spirit are “…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” What if these fruits were the lens from which we viewed the world, our neighbors, our family, and ourselves? Choosing to shift our perspective in such a manner can change every interaction we have in a day. Do you take the time to listen for the Holy Spirit to help you see how you can make a difference using the gifts and fruits bestowed upon you?

The final two mysteries bring us to Mary. From the cross, Jesus gives us His mother, “Woman, behold your son.” Then he said to his disciple, “Behold, your mother.” (John 19:26-27) Some of us have lost our earthly mother or perhaps never developed a close relationship with her. However, we have Mary, the Queen of Heaven! We are never without a loving mother. When you think of Mary, what traits come to mind? In my heart, Mary is gentle, holy, quick to forgive, patient, reflective, faithful, open to possibility, and trusting of God. If we take the opportunity to learn these traits from our Heavenly Mother, how might they change how we view ourselves, speak to our children and spouse, or relate to God? We are NEVER too old to need gentle encouragement, holy advice, or motherly love. St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) offers us a simple prayer to speak in those times of need, “Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.”

The perspective I gained from these mysteries – Jesus is a promise keeper. In every instance, He kept His word. Jesus rose, ascended, sent us an advocate, and gave us His mother – just as promised. How does knowing He is a God of His word change your perspective of Him?

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.”

John 14:1

Running with the Rosary II – Discovering Love

Breathe and try to imagine the amount of love it takes to lay down your life for the sins of others.

Were you able to find the time to pray the Joyful Mysteries? What moments did God use to bring joy into your life? Keep praying for Jesus to open your heart and eyes to the joy that surrounds you. This week I invite you to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries with me.

On Tuesday and Friday, we walk through the Passion of Jesus. Bead by bead. We are witnesses to His agony in the garden and the scourging at the pillar. We remember the crowning with thorns and the weight of His cross. We pause in silence at His crucifixion. Take a few moments to take all of that into your soul. Breathe and try to imagine the amount of love it takes to lay down your life for the sins of others. As humans, it may be nearly impossible to fathom that kind of love, but that is what we are to nurture in our lives.  

We first encounter Jesus in the garden. He is in prayer, asking the Father to let this cup pass over him. Yet, in the next breath, he surrenders to the will of God. Is this how we pray? Do we ask God for what our heart desires and then, with great trust, acknowledge He loves us and that He will provide? I know, at times, my prayer sounds more like a frenzied litany of demands and bargain-making ideas. Peace only comes when I remember that I am not in control, that He knows the depths of my heart, and that in His great love, He will answer me. What difficulty can you surrender to God today?

The scourging at the pillar and crowning with thorns elicit strong emotions of sadness at the amount of suffering Christ endured. He withstood physical torture and emotional abuse. Each of us has suffered, and since Earth is not Heaven, potentially more is in store for us. It is hard to explain suffering and even harder to understand it, and I’m not sure there are any easy answers. Through His Passion, He suffered,  He lived the whole human experience. So when it seems pointless or too much, turn to Jesus to find love and strength. The band, Casting Crowns, has a beautiful song about the love of Jesus meeting us in our struggles. Take a listen. When did His Love Move First for you?  

After all He endured at the hands of the Roman soldiers, He picked up His cross. I can barely imagine the strength it took to move, much less carry the weight of the cross. Along the way, He falls not once, not twice, but three times. Each time He gets back up. During that long walk, He receives love from Veronica when she gently wipes His face. Simon carried the cross for Him. Friends, we are never meant to carry our burdens alone. Seek help. Talk to a friend, find a therapist, and let Jesus love and help you. Do not think for one second you have to take the long journey alone. 

These mysteries end with the ultimate act of love; the giving of oneself for another. In Jesus’s case, for the world. Specifically, He died for our sins to reconcile us back to God. What sin do you need to bring to the foot of the cross and let Jesus’s love heal? Always the teacher, Jesus’s words from the cross continue to challenge us today, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”(Luke 24:34) Who is Jesus asking you to forgive? Who can you love more fully?

My Jesus, out of love for me…

You surrendered.

You suffered.

You endured.

You humbled yourself.

You forgave those who persecuted you.

You died.

You saved me.

These mysteries have been the most transformative for me over the last 90+ days. They have taught me humility and the peace of surrendering to the will of God. These mysteries have encouraged me to seek help in carrying the burden of my cross. Finally, they have shown me the depths of His love for me. In short, they have taught me about love. What might Jesus want to share with you this week? What can you do out of love for Jesus?

In this crazy world, take a little more time this week to love God, your family, your neighbors, and yourself. Let the Sorrowful Mysteries help you discover the love God has for you and all that His love can heal inside you.

Running with the Rosary

What could God do with your yes?

The season of Lent calls us to fast, pray, and give alms to prepare our hearts. This year I committed to praying a daily rosary to enhance my prayer life. Some of you reading may be thinking this is no big deal. However, for me, the rosary felt like an outdated, routine prayer that wasn’t very inspiring. Therefore, it was with some indifference that I began this part of my Lenten journey. About this same time, I was able to return to running, so I incorporated the rosary into my daily run. At first, I used a podcast to guide the prayer, but before long the events of Christ’s life unfolded into a beautiful story. I no longer needed someone else to lead the journey. 

As we are all well aware, the coronavirus pandemic swept in during Lent and hung with us right through the Easter season. Suddenly finding myself with much more time on my hands, I continued to pray my daily rosary through the Easter season. Another 50 days meditating on Jesus’ life through Mary’s eyes.

As I reflect on the time spent running and praying, I wanted to share the encouragement and love in each of the mysteries of the rosary. Today’s blog is the start of a series.  This week, we will start at the beginning with the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.


The Joyful Mysteries prayed on Monday and Saturday each week, begin with the annunciation to Mary and her yes, her fiat, to God. These mysteries walk us through the early life of Jesus. His first encounter with John the Baptist when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, His birth, His presentation at the temple, and finding Him in the temple. 

When Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, and baby John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth’s womb- that is joy! Do we leap for joy when we encounter the Lord? Do we seek to visit and support our family, friends, and neighbors? How can we bring the joy of Christ to those we meet?

Many mothers reading this will certainly remember in great detail the arrival of their child(ren). Regardless of how grueling the birth was, the joy that filled your heart when you first laid eyes on this treasure is almost impossible to put into words. Every time I meditate on the birth of Jesus, I am reminded of the gift each of my sons has been to me. How they have made me a better person by challenging me to be more patient, more loving, and more generous. Certainly, there are times we all consider if returning these “gifts” is an option, but fortunately, love wins.

It is in challenging times when we most question our roles as mothers and our ability to parent. When presenting Jesus at the temple the prophet Simeon told Mary, “…and a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (Luke 2:35) When our children suffer, we suffer. Through all of Jesus’ life, Mary was there to be mother, witness, disciple. Mary’s strength was forged through her deep trust in God. What can you entrust to God today?

How about the overwhelming joy that fills the heart of the mother that has lost her child in Target (you know…when they are “hiding” in the clothes rack)? It is a great consolation to know even Jesus gave Mary a hard time once in a while. 

The Joyful Mysteries, and all the other mysteries of the rosary, are dependent on Mary’s yes at the annunciation. Her fiat allows Jesus to come into our broken world, work miracles, and reconcile us to God. What could God do with your yes?

In case you need a little help getting started, this is a nice resource from Dynamic Catholic on how to pray the rosary. 

The Laudate App has many options to lead you in the rosary and can be found in the Apple App Store for iPhones or Google Play for Androids.

These mysteries have taught me that joy is found in everyday moments and in spectacular moments of life. Maybe you don’t want to join in the running part of this journey, but I do encourage you to join me today in praying the Joyful Mysteries! See what joy is revealed to you. 

Next up?  The Sorrowful Mysteries. Meanwhile, look to find joy in the ordinary. Savor that joy!