The season of Lent calls us to fast, pray, and give alms to prepare our hearts. This year I committed to praying a daily rosary to enhance my prayer life. Some of you reading may be thinking this is no big deal. However, for me, the rosary felt like an outdated, routine prayer that wasn’t very inspiring. Therefore, it was with some indifference that I began this part of my Lenten journey. About this same time, I was able to return to running, so I incorporated the rosary into my daily run. At first, I used a podcast to guide the prayer, but before long the events of Christ’s life unfolded into a beautiful story. I no longer needed someone else to lead the journey.
As we are all well aware, the coronavirus pandemic swept in during Lent and hung with us right through the Easter season. Suddenly finding myself with much more time on my hands, I continued to pray my daily rosary through the Easter season. Another 50 days meditating on Jesus’ life through Mary’s eyes.
As I reflect on the time spent running and praying, I wanted to share the encouragement and love in each of the mysteries of the rosary. Today’s blog is the start of a series. This week, we will start at the beginning with the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
The Joyful Mysteries prayed on Monday and Saturday each week, begin with the annunciation to Mary and her yes, her fiat, to God. These mysteries walk us through the early life of Jesus. His first encounter with John the Baptist when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, His birth, His presentation at the temple, and finding Him in the temple.
When Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, and baby John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth’s womb- that is joy! Do we leap for joy when we encounter the Lord? Do we seek to visit and support our family, friends, and neighbors? How can we bring the joy of Christ to those we meet?
Many mothers reading this will certainly remember in great detail the arrival of their child(ren). Regardless of how grueling the birth was, the joy that filled your heart when you first laid eyes on this treasure is almost impossible to put into words. Every time I meditate on the birth of Jesus, I am reminded of the gift each of my sons has been to me. How they have made me a better person by challenging me to be more patient, more loving, and more generous. Certainly, there are times we all consider if returning these “gifts” is an option, but fortunately, love wins.
It is in challenging times when we most question our roles as mothers and our ability to parent. When presenting Jesus at the temple the prophet Simeon told Mary, “…and a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (Luke 2:35) When our children suffer, we suffer. Through all of Jesus’ life, Mary was there to be mother, witness, disciple. Mary’s strength was forged through her deep trust in God. What can you entrust to God today?
How about the overwhelming joy that fills the heart of the mother that has lost her child in Target (you know…when they are “hiding” in the clothes rack)? It is a great consolation to know even Jesus gave Mary a hard time once in a while.
The Joyful Mysteries, and all the other mysteries of the rosary, are dependent on Mary’s yes at the annunciation. Her fiat allows Jesus to come into our broken world, work miracles, and reconcile us to God. What could God do with your yes?
In case you need a little help getting started, this is a nice resource from Dynamic Catholic on how to pray the rosary.
The Laudate App has many options to lead you in the rosary and can be found in the Apple App Store for iPhones or Google Play for Androids.
These mysteries have taught me that joy is found in everyday moments and in spectacular moments of life. Maybe you don’t want to join in the running part of this journey, but I do encourage you to join me today in praying the Joyful Mysteries! See what joy is revealed to you.
Next up? The Sorrowful Mysteries. Meanwhile, look to find joy in the ordinary. Savor that joy!
Peace, guidance, understanding can be found in Our Blessed Mother. In the words of Mother Teresa,”Mary, Mother of Jesus, Please be a mother to me now.” Looking forward to your next segment.